
Legal Notice

according to § 5 TMG

Predigtstuhlbahn GmbH & Co. KG
Max-Aicher-Platz 1 formerly Südtiroler Platz 1
83435 Bad Reichenhall


Dipl.-Kfm. (Univ.) Stephan Semmelmayr
Wolfgang Rieder

Phone: +49 (0) 8651/ 9685-0
Fax: +49 (0) 8651/ 9685-59
Email: (Mon-Fri) (Reservations)

VAT ID No.: DE 287844709
Register Court: AG Traunstein
Registration Number: HRA 11182

District Court Traunstein
Herzog-Otto-Str. 1
83278 Traunstein
Phone: +49 (0) 861/56-0
Fax: +49 (0) 861/56-300


External links on the above-mentioned domain that redirect to third-party offers lead to content of the respective providers and are not part of the responsibility of the above-mentioned domain. These corresponding references are recognizable from the context or are specifically labeled. We have no influence over the content provided there and do not adopt these contents through the references. In particular, we expressly distance ourselves from any statements retrievable there. Liability can only be established if we are aware of legal violations and it is technically possible and reasonable for us to prevent their use.

We have checked the external content for possible legal violations to a reasonable extent. Violations of copyright, trademark, or personal rights, or infringements of competition law on the third-party websites were not apparent, nor are we aware of any fulfillment of criminal offenses there.

Internet Conditions

The Internet operates as a decentralized network with temporary data storage and transmission. Therefore, it is currently not possible to guarantee the exclusion of manipulation, accidental falsification, and the use of only current data on the connection path from provider to user. We point out this system-related limitation as follows: You receive these data under the conditions of the Internet. Therefore, no guarantee can be given for the accuracy of the information and its conformity with the original data.

Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG)

You can access the EU Commission’s platform for online dispute resolution via the following link:

Basic Concept Layout

MIO | Marketing Information Office | Max Aicher